Monday, 24 November 2008
Outside of our beloved Big Smoke reside many UK hubs of musical enthusiasm and perhaps our favourite of the bunch when touring about with bands or just visiting on travels has always been Glasgow. Yes it has a musical hegemony of particular quality and good times are always guaranteed but the best thing about the city is it's spirit of DIY culture which drips with spontaneous activities. Throw a battered Mars Bar in Glasgow and you will hit a newly formed band every time, it's righteous and beautiful. Tomorrow sees the launch party at the Buffalo Bar of a new compilation called 'The Glasgow School Of Art Goes Pop' from the fine people of AGP Records (from Leeds accutely) who have decided to release an audio snapshot of the city's most current underground actioneers. Their are parties also planned in Leeds and Glasgow too I believe so get busy and look lively, here's a list of some of the bands who feature on the new CD to whet your appetite further:
isosceles / hidden masters / punch and the apostles / sparrow and the workshop / the low miffs / plaaydoh / someyoungpedro / clean george iv / triple school / ming ming and the ching chings / we were promised jetpacks / popup / yoko, oh no! and bruce mcclure / dirty summer / gummy stumps / paul vickers and the leg / lyons / orphnans / nacional / jack butler / zoey van goey
More information on everything HERE yup:
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