Monday, 25 July 2016


Thank yous go out to Clash Magazine for hosting our new Deerhoof video for their 'Dispossessor' track from new album 'The Magic'. Looking at actual, real, tangible magic in mathematics via The Banach-Tarski paradox and friend of the band Professor Appleblossom, the video is a whirlwind of mutations and replications with hula hoops, toothpaste and chalked equations all featuring!

'The Magic' is out now on Upset The Rhythm.

1 comment:

  1. Sunday June 12th 2016: one of the most extraordinary afternoons in Prof. Appleblossom's career. He was filmed demonstrating the Banach-Tarski Paradox using a variety of objects supplied by a mysterious entourage who he encountered in a woodland clearing near Little Mongeham, in a remote corner of East Kent. Claiming to be representatives of a shadowy San Franciscan organisation calling itself "Deerhoof", their objects included a coffee cup, a hula-hoop and a tube of toothpaste, each of which he was able to replicate with the help of a blackboard full of equations and a good old-fashioned handkerchief, although the relevance of the aforementioned paradox to the "Deerhoof" was never made fully clear to him. At some point, the Professor, getting somewhat carried away, appears to have "Banach-Tarski'd" himself, possibly having stumbled upon a mathematical route to the "bilocation" of Yaqui sorcerers as described by Castaneda. This further complicates an already deeply convoluted relationship between Professor Appleblossom and his eccentric alter ego, a mathematician/author he calls "Matthew Watkins".
