Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Amber & Andy from Naked Roommate taking on some essential Qs!






Who are Naked Roommate?

Amber Sermeno: We are bare and in your room. You’re also pretty sure we took a bite out of that block of cheese in the fridge.


Why should we “'Do The Duvet”?

AS: It seems like a lot of work, but it saves you time in the end

Andy Jordan: To prevent sleepwalking.

What’s the difference between “Mad Love” and Toxic Love?

AS: When it’s mad you don’t care if it’s toxic. When it’s just toxic you’re traumatized I guess

Your sound is acid and sweet at the same time, can you explain to us why?

AJ: Probably because we listen to acid music and eat chocolate.

AS: Maybe it’s my confusion between mad and toxic love

Tell us more about the American subterranea?

AS: It’s so underground now, it only exists in our bedrooms.

What's your opinion about our current post-modern lives?

AJ: My opinion is that we are discovering that our lives are perhaps more modern than we thought. The return of meta-narratives in the form of renewed class struggle and ideological warfare seems to disagree with the "end of history" perspective that post-modernism supports. The pandemic has already forced us to adopt post-capitalist strategies, the easiest example being the stimulus checks.


AS: This invisible virus has been responsible for more praxis than any movement could’ve ever organized. With illusions disrupted and made so clear, it’ll hopefully shake us out of our post-modern nihilism and toward a return to more modernist ideals.

Heaven or Hell?

AS: Can I get a mood board?

AJ: Both! Because, as you know, they were married long ago.





‘Do The Duvet’ by Naked Roommate is out now!

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