Cleckhuddersfax have an album coming out on Upset The Rhythm in the near future called 'Spen Beck' and they are also touring around the country as of today, both these statements are important to remember, check out the dates below for more than your fair share of fun!
Wednesday 28th: LONDON
House show in Dalston w/ WAR ALL THE TIME and WAY THROUGH
Thursday 29th: EDINBURGH
The Raft / Henry's Cellar 8pm, £5 w/ Lady North, The Foundling Wheel, Enfant Bastard
Friday 30th: GLASGOW
Studio Warehouse, 9pm £3, w/ ETERNAL FAGS and CRISES and many DJs
Saturday 31st: NEWCASTLE
Star and Shadow Cinema, 7pm-late. Cost is just £4
Sunday 1st: MILLPORT
Part of the Millportpolloco-Full Metal Millport Festival, at the Hush Hush
Tuesday 3rd: NOTTINGHAM
The CHAMELEON Arts Cafe, 8.30PM doors £4 w/ GUILTY PARENTS and LINE
Wednesday 4th: MILTON KEYNES
Windmill Hill Golf Club, more details soon...
Friday 6th: CORK
The Quad 10pm FREE
Saturday 7th: BELFAST
details tba soon...
Sunday 8th: DUBLIN
The Pint 8pm, w/ ESTEL
Thursday 12th: LIVERPOOL
Friday 13th: LEEDS
Brudenell Social Club 8.30pm £4 w/ NORMAL MAN, ASTRAL SOCIAL CLUB and BEARDS!!
Saturday 14th: LONDON
YES WAY, Upset the Rhythm's mega Fest!