Well, I never! Art-pop amblers Buffet Lunch have embarked on their blue period. Released today, new single ‘Blue Chairs, Blue Floors, Blue Folders’ is the first track to sally forth from their forthcoming album ‘Perfect Hit!’, out on April 4th through Upset The Rhythm.
Comprised of musicians based in Glasgow, Edinburgh and (sometimes) Newcastle, Buffet Lunch craft ramshackle odysseys of observational charm. Always catchy, often profound. Buffet Lunch have been previously described as a band that create 'a hodgepodge of noises’, and who are 'lyrically ridiculous'. Both claims are strongly denied by the group.
‘Blue Chairs, Blue Floors, Blue Folders’ is a deceptively carefree track, with its lengthy Shadows’ style intro, it is packed with anticipation, it revels in waiting, enjoying the mundane surroundings that often accompany monumental changes. This defines the modus operandi for a whole album of curious turns; a record that sees the band focus on more overtly personal themes like ancestry and becoming a parent, without neglecting the flawed Presbyterians and conker champions of the subconscious. ‘Perfect Hit!’ is built from bricks, ideas and plots, melodies and hooks, each stacked upon the other. It is available to pre-order now on 180g yellow vinyl from all the best shops and our very own website here.